SC Works Check Mark
Logo for SC Works Catawba, Catawba Workforce System, South Carolina


Are you where you want to be?

If not, we can help.

If you're 17-24 years old, SC Works Catawba can put you on the road to a better future.

As part of the Catawba Regional Workforce Development Board (WDB), operating under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, our SC Works Workforce Centers have all the tools, resources, and opportunities you need.

The Youth Program offered by the Catawba Regional Workforce Development Board contain the following program elements:

  • TABE Testing
  • Tutoring and study skills training
  • WIN assessments and Skill-building exercises
  • Alternative secondary school services
  • Occupational Skills Training
  • Leadership development opportunities
  • Supportive services
  • Adult mentoring
  • Follow-up services
  • Comprehensive guidance and counseling
  • Work Experience
Using WIN, experienced counselors can assess your skills and match your talents with rewarding job opportunities. If your skill levels are not where they need to be, coaching and skill building exercises will be available to improve your skill sets. We can even help you gain valuable on-the-job work experience.

No matter what your situation, our SC Works Workforce Centers have programs and services specifically designed to help you achieve your goals.

  • Equus Young Adult Works - Out of School Youth Program
         Contact Person: Amanda Baker - Phone: (803) 385-1179 - Email:

         Serves Chester, Lancaster and York Counties

    The purpose of this program is to provide a case management based program that focuses on academic and employment success. The Grantee will offer on-site help to improve basic skills (TABE), obtain GED, employability skills, soft skills through computer-based Equus Academy software. The Grantee will offer occupational training in ServeSafe, NRFF, and Clean Green Technician. The Grantee may refer some participants to other occupational training such as Advanced Manufacturing.

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