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Logo for SC Works Catawba, Catawba Workforce System, South Carolina


The Catawba Workforce Development Board has established a series of local policies and procedures to ensure its mission and goals are attained.

Listed below are guidelines determined by the WDB as necessary to fulfill its role in workforce development within the Catawba region for each program year:

Please note: All links will open in pdf format in a new browser window. When finished, close window to return to OneStop site.

Year 2024

Year 2023

Year 2022

Year 2021

Year 2020
  • WIOA Instruction 20-01 Local Monitoring Policy
  • WIOA Instruction 20-02 Soft Skills Instruction & Activity Costs
  • Local Instruction 20-03 Updated Federal Income Guidelines
  • Local Instruction 20-04 Disaster Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grants
  • WIOA Instruction 20-05 Updated Supportive Service Policy (Updated 11/29/2021)
  • WIOA Local Instruction 17-10 Change Employer Registration in SCWOS and Effectiveness in Serving Employers
  • WIOA Instruction 20-07 Participant Eligibility for WIOA Title I Programs
  • WIOA Instruction 20-08 Required Use of SCWOS for Referrals

  • Year 2019
  • WIOA Instruction 19-01 Employer Accounts in SCWOS
  • WIOA Instruction 19-02 Managing Job Orders in SCWOS
  • WIOA Instruction 11-10, Change 2 Required Employer Registration in SCWOS and Effectiveness in Serving Employers

  • Year 2018
  • WIOA Instruction 18-01 IEP
  • WIOA Instruction 18-02 WIOA Funded Travel
  • WIOA Instruction 18-03 Guardian Signatures for WIOA Youth Elig
  • WIOA Instruction 17-18 Required Employer Registration in SCWOS
  • WIOA Instruction 18-19, Change 2 Adult Priority of Service Under WIOA
  • WIOA Instruction 18-05 Youth Objective Assessment & ISS
  • WIOA Instruction 17-11 Change 1 IWT
  • WIOA Instruction 18-06 Definition of Substantial Layoff
  • WIOA Instruction 18-07 HIRE Vets Medallion Program
  • WIOA Instruction 18-8 SCWOS Technical Assistance
  • WIOA Instruction 18-09 Updated Federal Income Guidelines

  • Year 2017
  • WIOA Instruction 17-01 AJC Branding
  • WIOA Instruction 17-02 Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program
  • WIOA Instruction 17-03 Conf of EO Records
  • WIOA Instruction 17-04 Facility and Program Accessibility Under WIOA
  • WIOA Instruction 17-05 Implementation of Non Discrim & EO Requirement of WIOA
  • WIOA Instruction 17-06 Change 1 Rights to file Griev or Compl Under WIOA
  • WIOA Instruction 17-07 Discrimination Complaint Procedures Under WIOA
  • WIOA Instruction 17-08 Grievance & Complaint Procedures Under WIOA
  • WIOA Instruction 17-09 Sanctions for Violations of Nondisc & EO Provisions
  • WIOA Instruction 17-10 Required Employer Registration
  • WIOA Instruction 17-11 Incumbent Worker Training Policy
  • WIOA Instruction 17-12 Adult Priority of Service
  • WIOA Instruction 17-13 Participant Cost Rate Policy
  • WIOA Instruction 17-14 Fund Utilization Policy
  • WIOA Instruction 17-15 Allowable Training Update
  • WIOA Instruction 17-16 Conflict of Interest
  • WIOA Instruction 17-17 ETPL Program Guidelines
  • WIOA Instruction 17-18 Employer Services
  • WIOA Instruction 17-18 Updated Federal Income Guidelines
  • WIOA Instruction 17-19 Updated Supportive Services Policy

  • Year 2016
  • WIOA Instruction 16-01 Changes to SCWOS
  • WIOA Instruction 16-02 Workplace Civility
  • WIOA Instruction 16-03 Legal Aid Services
  • WIOA Instruction 16-04 WIOA Youth Changes
  • WIOA Instruction 16-05 Homeless Vet Reintegration Prog
  • WIOA Instruction 16-06 TAA Mileage Reimbursement
  • WIOA Instruction 16-07 SCWOS Partner Privileges
  • WIOA Instruction 16-08 SCWorks Certification Standards
  • WIOA Instruction 16-09 OJT Wage Reimbursement
  • WIOA Instruction 16-10 Equal Opportunity Is The Law
  • WIOA Instruction 16-10 Requires Additional Assistance
  • WIOA Instruction 16-11 WIOA Youth Incentive Policy
  • WIOA Instruction 16-13 Re-Enrollment
  • WIOA Instruction 16-14 Updated Federal Income Guidelines

  • Year 2015
  • WIOA Instruction 15-01 Employer Engagement
  • WIOA Instruction 15-02 Impact of WIA on Waivers Approved Under WIA
  • WIOA Instruction 15-03 Federal Income Guidelines
  • WIOA Instruction 15-04 Equipment Inventory
  • WIOA Instruction 15-05 Initial Assessment for WP
  • WIOA Instruction 15-06 Employer Accounts & CRM Module
  • WIOA Instruction 15-07 Priority of Serv & Suit
  • WIOA Instruction 15-08 Youth Prog Changes
  • WIOA Instruction 15-09 Federal Income Guidelines
  • WIOA Instruction 15-10 WIA-WIOA Participant Data Changes
  • WIOA Instruction 15-11 Adult Priority of Service Under WIOA

  • Year 2014
  • WIA Instruction 14-01 Amendment to Individual Training Account
  • WIA Instruction 14-02 LEP Plan
  • WIA Instruction 14-03 Performance Standards
  • WIA Instruction 14-04 Adult DW Activity Code Changes
  • WIA Instruction 14-05 Updated Federal Income Guidelines
  • WIA Instruction 14-06 Employer Registration in SCWOS
  • WIA Instruction 14-07 Transition WIA Funds & Participants

  • Year 2013

  • WIA Instruction 13-01 Allowable Training Activities
  • WIA Instruction 13-03 Updated Federal Income Guidelines

  • Year 2012

  • WIA Instruction 12-01 Performance Standards
  • WIA Instruction 12-02 Business Size Classifications
  • WIA Instruction 12-03 Self-Attestation and WIA Eligibility
  • WIA Instruction 12-04 Self-Attestation and WIA Eligibility Change

  • Year 2011

  • WIA Instruction 11-01 Guardian Signature
  • WIA Instruction 11-02 Federal Income Guidelines
  • WIA Instruction 11-03 Employer Services in VOS
  • WIA Instruction 11-04 PerformanceStandards
  • WIA Instruction 11-05 Selective Service
  • WIA Instruction 11-06 Veterans and Eligible Persons Job Referral Priority
  • WIA Instruction 11-07 Online Service Staff Credentials
  • WIA Instruction 11-08 Allowable Training Activities
  • WIA Instruction 11-09 Updated Federal Income Guidelines

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