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Logo for SC Works Catawba, Catawba Workforce System, South Carolina

About SC Works Catawba

The Catawba Workforce Development region was created by a consortium agreement between the three counties of Chester, Lancaster, and York. Each of the three counties is responsible for the appointment of members to the Catawba Regional Workforce Development Act Board. The WBA is a volunteer group of citizens from local business, labor, education, and economic development and community organizations and has policy oversight for all activities under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

The charge of the Catawba Regional Workforce Development Board is to create a quality workforce development system infrastructure that is accessible and customer-focused. It is also the source for workforce intelligence within the region. The WDB is also charged with reducing community workforce development issues by identifying current/future job and skill requirements and instituting plans and resources to address skill gaps within the workforce.

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act mandates that services must be administered through a one-stop service system. The workforce centers within the Catawba area provide a variety of services for both employers and job seekers.

Some of the services available to employers are:
  • available interviewing space
  • fax and E-Mail service
  • assistance with recruitment
  • up-to-date labor market information
  • opportunity to network with other employers
  • opportunity to participate in local and regional seminars on employment-related subjects
  • staff available on-site for assistance in accepting applications
  • many other services
Some of the services available for job seekers are:
  • initial and comprehensive assessment of skills and aptitudes
  • resume development
  • job search assistance
  • career information
  • financial aid assistance
  • assistance with GED
  • job readiness training, occupational skills training

Picture of Catawba Regional Council of Government Logo

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